Student Loans: Students Confirm Payment Of Monthly Stipend In Their Accounts – Education –

FG have started disbursing the student loan which they pay directly to the university. In addition to that, students are receiving 20k monthly for the upkeep money.

Many student have taken to Twitter to share screenshots of the alert they received and the NELFUND official Twitter page is now bubbling with events.

The fund is not available to all universities yet as it was disbursed to six university with the required approval and those starting their session.

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Re: Student Loans: Students Confirm Payment Of Monthly Stipend In Their Accounts by LegendHero(m): 5:31pm On Aug 05
More of the screenshot being shared on Twitter.

In the coming days, it’s going to be in the mainstream.

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Re: Student Loans: Students Confirm Payment Of Monthly Stipend In Their Accounts by LegendHero(m): 5:32pm On Aug 05
More screenshots of student testimony for the alert

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